
Tripline Review

·      Tripline= http://www.tripline.net/

"Make plans, share links, share photos, tell stories, keep in touch"
My take: Making a trip timeline looks very fun and after trying it - I could see how this would be fun to share with friends. I can see how you could adapt this to the classroom - you could have students follow a historic journey and embed photos and tell the story of what happened - or for Language Arts classrooms you could have students use this in a autobiography project - this site has the capabilities if you have the plan 
Tags: History Sites Random

Picture of the site:

Review from my website: https://sites.google.com/site/stealingexplainingtechsites/

1 comment:

  1. Muffinman...you can also embed the Tripline player right into your blog or website. Just click the SHARE button on the player and grab the embed code...medium size works best for blogs.
