
Story Starter Review

·      Story Starter = http://www.thestorystarter.com/
"The Story Starter provides 1,007,240,080 creative ideas and writer prompts for writers of all ages. All of the story starters are randomly created. This idea generator can be used for short stories, novels, plays, scripts, or just for fun"
My take:  I do not know if this site would be helpful at all - I worry about automated help starts for students - however, I believe that with guidance and teacher direction sites like this can be valuable. The site provides a nice structure to help students begin the writing process. It is important to know that when teaching writing there needs to be a focus on the process of editing and revision as well.
Tags: Digital Story Tools

From my website: https://sites.google.com/site/stealingexplainingtechsites/

For more information check out this post: Story Starter from Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero by dkapuler

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