
Google CEO Suggests You Change Your Name to Escape His Permanent Record

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Excerpt of article: "Holman Jenkins, Jr., a member of The Wall St. Journal editorial board and the author of a strong opinion piece last week in support of Google's alleged backing away from Net Neutrality, summarizes the key Schmidt statement in this week's write-up:

He predicts, apparently seriously, that every young person one day will be entitled automatically to change his or her name on reaching adulthood in order to disown youthful hijinks stored on their friends' social media sites.
That's Schmidt's proposed solution to the increasingly online lives we live and the dwindling of our privacy, embodied more by his company than any other in history? That seems... crazy. Maybe he was simply observing that such policies were likely to take shape in the future. But if they do, the company he runs will be the primary cause of it.
Perhaps parents should start giving their children short-term names then, which they'll be less attached to. Save your favorite name for adulthood, kids, because you'll need to change it. Google says so."

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