
Approaching School Year 2013-2014

As the school year quickly approaches - less than 8 days till our first day - I am at my school setting up my classroom.

The last few days is a great time to reflect. Beyond thinking how quickly the summer always seems to pass - I try to evaluate how I want to start the year.

It is always important in my estimation to boil down my thoughts to the essentials.

I work to establish a few philosophies or key concepts with every student.

  • "to learn is an action that requires effort"
    • I want to explain that the motivation required to learn is most effective when it comes from within; I work to connect and get to know everyone of my students to talk about "why" learning is so important to them - because that is unique to each individual and that motivation if tapped themselves can last a lifetime.
  • "risk failure"
    • I try to explain to my students that "To reach your peak performance you need to stretch" - this is often difficult for them to understand but you have to push yourself to understand what you are truly capable of. Too often we fear failure; each failure is an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve.
  • "be honest" especially with yourself
    • This is important because too often we skip over ideas or concepts we think we understand - or we think we already know - or we do not want others to realize we do not understand; we must be honest with ourselves to truly allow learning to occur.
As I type these key philosophies it reminds me how I am always excited for the new school year; but I also am motivated to improve and, hopefully, better embody these philosophies each year.

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